venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

The Huntsman Walk

The Huntsman Walk

From the New Yorker

"the fallout from Huntsman’s adventure in a Beijing market clotted with protesters raises an interesting question: What if, in his last two months before he leaves his Beijing post, Huntsman provoked some sort of diplomatic row that emphasized an ideological split with the President? What if he demanded that Obama give more aid and support to the pro-democracy movement? That could certainly make some waves in Iowa".

US vs China - US Will Be the World's Third Largest Economy: Citi - CNBC

US vs China - US Will Be the World's Third Largest Economy: Citi - CNBC

The world is going to become richer and richer as developing economies play catch up over the coming years, according to Willem Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup.

"China should overtake the US to become the largest economy in the world by 2020, then be overtaken by India by 2050," he predicted.

martedì 22 febbraio 2011

Hong Kong Labour

In Hong Kong the jobless rate fell to 3.8 per cent from 4 per cent last month. Jobs were created mainly in the transport, decoration, building repair and maintenance, and information and communication sectors.
Employment rose by 18,400 to 3,582,100 in the past three months from 3,563,700 in the October-December period.

venerdì 18 febbraio 2011

California Dinner

Obama & the genius of The Silicon Valley

Great Firewall scaled - by creator

From South China Morning Post A4 NATIONAL. Saturday, February 19t, 2011

"The architect of the vast internet censorship system admitted using software to circumvent the controls. Fang Binxing, president of the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, told the Global Times that he uses six virtual private networks to scale the so-called Great Firewall".

According to Ai Weiwei's Twitter feed, Sina's Art and Finance section recently put up a vote for Most Powerful Contemporary Artists of the Year. By far the most high-profile artist in the country, Ai Weiwei unsurprisingly sprung to the top of the list (as seen above, where Ai Weiwei is second from the left on the bottom row.) The voting option was quickly taken down by Sina and Ai Weiwei removed from the list, seen in its present form here.

Considering how controversial he is, the whole thing isn't entirely surprising. But Sina really should have seen this one coming before allowing themselves to be caught doctoring a public vote. Ai Weiwei's got an army of devoted online followers who can and do often dominate Chinese contemporary art discussion.

giovedì 17 febbraio 2011

President or Avant-Garde

The painting by Wang Guangyi entitled "President" is to be sold by Sotheby's as part of the "Ullens Collection: The Nascence of Avant-Garde China" which consists of 106 early works by contemporary Chinese artists expected to fetch a total of between $12.7 million and $16.7 million.